Friday, April 13, 2007

Kerala - God Does Own This State

A vacation is a thing wherein you need to go to a place where no one can reach you, no one ever visited the place, and the human existence in this planet should be questioned by the beauty of the exuberant place. You can very well get close to something like that when you visit the state of Kerala in India. Everyone says Kerala as “God’s Own Country”. I very much doubted it. How can one state in this hot south India get so much attention from God?

Myself, my brother and my friend Mathi went for a trip to Wayanad a place in Kerala during the year of 2005 Dassara Holidays. The drive from Bangalore to Wayanad is the best a driver would ask for in a journey. Six to Seven hours went in minutes.

The Soojipara Falls is the best of all places we visited and I am penning that experience. The vehicle does not directly land you at the foot of the falls. You need to depend on your legs for 1 Kilo meter to see the falls. The path took us way steep down into the dense foliage. The water splashing into rocks created the fearing sound and it kept on increasing as we were approaching the falls to increase our expectation, since it was so shy and was hiding behind the dense forest. And then it emerged.

The Soojipara Falls!!!!!(See the photo).

This whole beauty is a virgin. No Human signs, No Wastes except for some of the dead leaves, No sound except the shattering sound of the falls. Nothing except the ultimate freshness and magnanimity provided by our very own Mother Nature with the side effect of enjoyable fear and thrill. Serenity attained!!!! At least for the 20 minutes we stayed out there. When you see the falls, you see the height of it, the beauty and the surroundings but we forget to see the fundamental thing which has created this thing. Gravity. One of the best creations of it.

Well, time to go back and when I looked up. No!!!!!! The steepness of the way threatened more than the fear of falling into the falls. Started climbing up and everyone would say that your weight should be reduced which forms the main reason for tiredness. People again forget the fundamental thing which is the sole reason for my tiring. Yes, it is Gravity once again. If some one would have offered me a choice to climb back, climb down to stay with serenity or have some poison and die, I would have gone with the last one. Yes of course, I was not in a position to climb up or down. Not giving up, I made it to the top which gave me some sense of attainment and also finding the reason of my existence in this world. “Enjoy the earth”

The reason for me to share the experience is that, we need to have a break from our life once in while. More than a break, there is lot left to be seen in this world, not even world but your neighboring state itself. The joy of appreciating it brings you freshness, good feeling, peace and a reason for your existence.

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