Friday, April 13, 2007

An Evening Coffee with My Hero - Poem

Aurora blankets around the Earth
Shadowing the Sun on to the Gateway of Horizon
In our veranda
Where I sojourn myself to relax
My mother’s sweet nectar recipe
Elixir of our life
And I sat
For an evening coffee with My Hero.

Sleeping through my childhood
Waking up on his shoulders
Always there with those
His fractions of anger
Scattered across our Hallway
Brushing those aside
To listen his
Path of life to Infuse
Our Journey towards Truth

Racing on the time machine
I rode all along
With his words and beliefs
Searching, Stumbling and Striving
To find the truth of destiny.
Soaked in my sweat
I turn back
And I am
In our veranda
Tired and wounded
Seeing that face of tranquility
I sojourn myself to relax
To run towards my destiny
While I sat
To have an evening coffee with My Hero.

(Thanks to Mathi and Mathangi for Proof Reading and Corrections)

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